Monday, June 15, 2015

Effective Calendar Method: Safe Sex for FREE!

Effective Calendar method for safe sex.

Calendar method is one of natural way in avoiding pregnancy. But before we start, I would like you to understand that doing this needs a series of commitment and also, you need to know what you are doing. You need to understand that you need to make it as part of your plan in the calendar like schedules and appointments in work. It will be hard at the beginning but when you adjust on how to do it, it’s really so easy. Many people have done this kind of method successfully for years and decades, that’s why it’s part of the natural contraceptive method. After reading this, then you can decide if this will work for you or not.

First thing to do, is you need to make sure your partner has a regular monthly menstrual cycle. If not, you need to establish first a regular monthly cycle. Question: how to establish a regular monthly cycle? Answer: have your partner take sufficient amount of vitamins and minerals and food that is rich in (Fe) Iron. Because, one of the causes of woman’s irregular monthly cycle is due to lack or insufficient (Fe) Iron in the body and not taking enough vitamins or not eating enough food everyday that is rich in (Fe) Iron.

Also, stress from work and daily activities can cause the body’s being drained of energy. Especially, for women, their (Fe) iron will drop. If the body is lack of Iron, the body will not produces blood for menstrual cycle, thus, resulting to irregular menstrual period or cycle.

After successfully establishing 3-4 months of regular monthly menstrual period, you can now begin initiating the Calendar method. The purpose of the Calendar method is for you to be able to know and determine the safe window period until the woman’s egg from the ovary is ready for implantation again. In short, this safe period is the period where you and your partner can have a safe sex. Safe sex without any condom or any pills or any contraceptives. You and your partner can have safe sex, skin to skin while not being pregnant. Natural contraceptive by calendar method in in a natural way. Sounds good right? In calendar method, you have 10-12 days window period for safe sex without any condom or contraceptives.

This window period starts from day 1 of menstrual cycle that is when she got her first day of her period (I mean, the blood coming out from hers.) If you are barbaric type, you can have sex with you partner during that day. It’s totally safe by that time but obviously, gross! Some folks might say upon reading this “I’ve been there and done that!” Well, it’s funny but you can try it too.

Usually from the first day of menstrual cycle, the blood usually stop between the 3rd to 7th days. So, if you want to have a sexy sex without any blood, you just have 5-7 days safe sex window period without any condom or contraceptives. That’s the safest window period from the 1st day of menstrual cycle to the 12th day of it.  The 13th and 14th day is a little bit hang in a balance, the tricky part, those days are critical. A 50-50 chance of being pregnant. In short, not so safe. Why? Because the chances of eggs maturity is in 15th to 17th day. The egg from the ovary of woman is ready that day for pregnancy.

Question: why is it not safe in 13th to 14th day? Answer: it is simply because Male sperm can survive inside the women’s vagina after sexual intercourse. The hours of survival rate of the sperm is from 24-72 hours (3 days) before it dies. In some cases in the 3rd day even though that the sperm is weak already. But the egg is release by that day from the ovary and the sperm finds the egg to hatch and that’s the time pregnancy can occur. Once, the weak sperm at its 3rd day found the egg there is still 85% to 95% chances of pregnancy can occur.

To avoid that kind of problem both partners, practicing calendar method should be cautious during that 13th and 14th day. Taking extra measure of withdrawal or condom etc. by that day. Calendar method is 1one of the safest and natural way to avoid pregnancy without any effect giving to the body or any side effects. An effect or side effects like getting fat, increase of appetite, osteoporosis, different cardiovascular/heart disease and many more. Calendar method is a natural way and safe way of birth control for women.